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AAA - Area Agency on Aging


AAC - Augmentative and Alternative Communication


AAW - Adult Autism Waiver


AAIDD - American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


ABA - Applied Behavioral Analysis


ACAP - Adult Community Autism Program


ACRE - Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators


ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act


ADL - Activities of Daily Living


AE - Administrative Entity


APC - Approved Program Capacity


APS - Adult Protective Services


ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder


ASERT - Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training (Collaborative)


ASL - American Sign Language


AT - Assistive Technology

AWC - Agency with Choice


BCS - Bureau of Community Services


BFS - Base-funded Services


BS - Behavioral Specialist


BSASP - Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations


BSP- Behavior Support Plan


CAO - County Assistance Office


CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


CESP - Certified Employment Support Professional


CHC - Community Health Choices


CI - Certified Investigator or Certified Investigation


CIR - Certified Investigator Report


CIS - Client Information System


CLA - Community Living Arrangement


CLW - Community Living Waiver


CMC - Children with Medical Complexities


CMS - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services


COMPASS - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Application for Social Services


CoP - Community of Practice


CPS - Community Participation Support


CPS - Child Protective Services


CtLC - Charting the LifeCourse


CW - Consolidated Waiver


DD - Developmental Disability or Dual Diagnosis


DDTT - Dual Diagnosis Treatment Team


DHHDB - Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafblind


DHS - Department of Human Services


DOH - Department of Health


DRP - Disability Rights Pennsylvania


DSP -Direct Support Professional


EDL - Everyday Lives


EI - Early Intervention


EIM - Enterprise Incident Management

EPSDT - Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis or Treatment


EVV - Electronic Visit Verification


FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment


FY - Fiscal Year


HCBS - Home and Community Based Services


HCL - Health Care Level


HCQU - Health Care Quality Unit


HCSIS - Home and Community Services Information System


HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


ICF/ID - Intermediate Care Facility/Intellectual Disability


ICF/IDD - Intermediate Care Facility/Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


ICF/ORC - Intermediate Care Facility/Other Related Conditions


ID - Intellectual Disability


ID/A - Intellectual Disability and Autism


IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act


IEP - Individualized Education Program


IM - Incident Management


IM4Q - Independent Monitoring for Quality


ISAC - Information Sharing and Advisory Committee


ISP - Individual Support Plan


IU - Intermediate Unit


LOC - Level of Care


MA - Medical Assistance


MAR - Medication Administration Record


MAWD - Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities


MCO - Managed Care Organization


MedAdmin Medication



MH/DD - Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities


MHFA - Mental Health First Aid


MH/ID - Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities


MPI - Master Provider Index


MyODP - Office of Developmental Programs’ Resource and Training Website


NL/NG - Needs Level/Needs Group


OCDEL - Office of Child Development and Early Learning OCYF Office of Children, Youth & Families


OMAP - Office of Medical Assistance Programs


OMHSAS - Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services


OVR - Office of Vocational Rehabilitation


PADDC - Pennsylvania Developmental Disabiliities’ Council


P/FDS - Person/FamilyDirected Support Waiver


PaTTAN - Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network


PBS - Positive Behavioral Support


PCP - Person-centered Planning


PCT - Person-centered Thinking


PDD - Pervasive Developmental Disorder


PDE - Pennsylvania Department of Education


PDS - Participant-directed Services


PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System


PROMISeTM - Provider Reimbursement and Operation Management Information System (in electronic format)


PUNS - Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services


QA - Quality Assurance


RH - Residential Habilitation


RPP - Restrictive Procedure Plan


SC - Supports Coordinator


SCO - Supports Coordination Organization


SH - Supplemental Habilitation


SIS - Supports Intensity Scale


SNF - Skilled Nursing Facility


SPU - Special Populations Unit


SSA - Social Security Administration


SSD - Services and Supports Directory


SSDI - Social Security Disability Income


SSI - Supplemental Security Income


TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury


TSM - Targeted Support Management


VF/EA - Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent


WIOA - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Ac

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