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Age 3-5 
Blair County Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program:

Blair: (814)-949-7230 Ext. 108 to make a referral to North Star Services

Different County - Call: The Connect Helpline:1800-692-7288

Can have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) at age 4
Age 5 
If you Live within:
Altoona Area School District - Call: Learning Express Preschool at (814)946-8465    
Tyrone Area School District - Call: (814) 684-1342 extension: 2705
Elsewhere in Blair County -Call: Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 at (814) 940-0223
Surrounding Counties: 

Pennsylvania Department of Education info on Early Intervention:

School age 
Start talking about transition at age 14- This is part of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
14 is a good age to reach out your county Administrative Entity (AE) because
  • This gives you 4 years to plan if you/the student will graduate at age 18
  • Gives your supports coordinator a chance to get to know you 
  • You need sufficient time for the waiver to be requested, approved, and authorized by graduation day. (This time is important as this can be a long process and needing services within the next 6 months is considered an emergency). 
Most of the time, schools will refer you to your county AE 
IEP Tips: At the meeting, write down the name of everyone at the table and the role they play

Pennsylvania Department of Education info on IEPs:                                                                                                                                                                          

Consider asking the IEP team what you can do at home to help your child meet their goals. 
9th Grade 
10th Grade 
11th Grade 
12th Grade 
Optional: Extra Year until 22nd birthday 
Transition Tip: Consider attending day programs during summer and holiday breaks, while you/your student are still in  high school to help with the transition process.
Age 16 through High School Graduation  
Activities will vary depending on your school, but some things you may do at this level include:
  • Transition Assessments to explore interests
  • Worker's permit
  • Apply to Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center (GACTC)
Activities will vary depending on your school, but some things you may do at this level include:
  • Transition assessment to narrow options
  • Complete job research 
  • Take drivers education course 
  • Take PSATs
  • Take ASVAB
Activities will vary depending on your school, but some things you may do at this level include:
  • Create resume
  • College visits
  • Get permit/license
  • Participate in job shadowing 
  • Meet with a career counselor 
Some things to work on:
  • Know where your birth certificate is. 
  • Know where your social security card is. 
  • Know your address.
After High School Graduation  
Contacting the Administrative Entity (AE) in your county is the first step to receiving services. 
Resources Provided by a Transition Coordinator

Transition Checklist: 

Transition Site:

  • Numerous resources


Indiana University of Bloomington-Transition Matrix- great follow up forms:


IU8 Secondary Transition Website:

-Transition information and resources. Assessment tools for parents and students in top right-hand corner 


Blair County Virtual Career Fair:

-Awesome source that has agency information, tools, resources, and more. Can’t Open


Road Trip Nation:


Selective Service Registration:


Voter Registration:

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